Last updated by Robert J Ohannessian on 24 Apr 2002

AllegroGL Resources

On this page you will find links to programs and tutorials that utilize AllegroGL. To add your progam/tutorial to this collection, please send a mail to Günter Ladwig. Please refrain from sending in other people's work unless you give us the email address of the author as well, so that we can ask him for permission. Thank you.

Programs and Libraries

Name Author Description
Moon3D Engine Steffen Hein "MOON3D is a work-in-progress 3d game-engine. There are wip-snapshots avaible for download, but most of them are not very playable yet. The source will be released with a later version. The engine has cross-platform support for Win32 and Unix. Don't expect too much from it because I'm just a student and I'm doing this just-for-fun ;)"


If not stated otherwise all tutorials run on Unix as well as Windows.

General OpenGL Techniques

Name Author Description
AllegroGL Sphere Mapping Demo Marco Monster (Monstrous Software) This is an AllegroGL demonstration of Sphere Mapping. This is a texture mapping technique used for highly reflective surfaces. The demo shows the word "AllegroGL" in shiny metal letters revolves round slowly, reflecting the skyline of New York. To learn more about sphere mapping, check out lesson 24 at NeHe productions ( It also demonstrates model loading (using my own proprietary .v3 format).
MSVC/Windows version
Animdemo.c Peter Hull Demosntrates use of GLU Quadrics in OpenGL to draw humanoids. Also shows lighting and display lists.

AllegroGL versions of NeHe's OpenGL Tutorials

Original code from Jeff Molofee's OpenGL Windows Tutorials. But the AllegroGL conversions should run on Unix as well. The tutorials themselves are not included in the downloads below, just the code. Go to NeHe's site to view the tutorials.

Name Conversion by Description from NeHe
Lesson 8 (Blending) Günter Ladwig "There was a reason for the wait. A fellow programmer from the totally cool site Hypercosm, had asked if he could write a tutorial on blending. Lesson eight was going to be a blending tutorial anyways. So the timing was perfect! This tutorial expands on lesson seven. Blending is a very cool effect... I hope you all enjoy the tutorial. The author of this tutorial is Tom Stanis. He's put alot of effort into the tutorial, so let him know what you think. Blending is not an easy topic to cover."
Lesson 12 (Display Lists) Günter Ladwig "Want to know how to speed up you OpenGL programs? Tired of writing lots of code every time you want to put an object on the screen? If so, this tutorial is definitely for you. Learn how to use OpenGL display lists. Prebuild objects and display them on the screen with just one line of code. Speed up your programs by using precompiled objects in your programs. Stop writing the same code over and over. Let display lists do all the work for you! In this tutorial we'll build the Q-Bert pyramids using just a few lines of code thanks to display lists."
Lesson 24 (Sphere Mapping Quadratics In OpenGL) Marco Monster (Monstrous Software) "This tutorial code was written by GB Schmick and is based on his quadratics tutorial (lesson 18). In lesson 15 (texture mapped fonts) I talked a little bit about sphere mapping. I explained how to auto-generate texture coordinates, and how to set up sphere mapping, but because lesson 15 was fairly simple I decided to keep the tutorial simple, leaving out alot of details in regards to sphere mapping. Now that the tutorials are a little more advanced it's time to dive into the world of sphere mapping. TipTup did an excellent job on the tutorial, so if you appreciate his work, let him know!"
Lesson 27 (Stencil and Reflection) Marco Monster (Monstrous Software) Check NeHe's Page. Couldn't get a description at the moment, cause the site was down, sorry.